The Newtown Pentacle

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Posts Tagged ‘South Hills

Timberland Avenue

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– photo by Mitch Waxman

Between 1970 and 1990, Pittsburgh lost 158,000 manufacturing jobs. That resulted in its population decline, which saw some 289,000 people move to greener pastures during the same interval. If you’re a wonk, and want to read graphs and a well thought out report on the demographic collapse of this area, check out this 2003 Carnegie Mellon Heinz School report on the situation. Observationally, and according to everything I’ve read on the subject, Pittsburgh has a lot of abandoned houses.

According to this article at, Allegheny County alone has over 51,000 abandoned or blighted homes. Many solutions have been tried, including the Community Land Bank concept which my friends back in Queens and Brooklyn were very enthusiastic about. This is how that sort of scheme worked out here, unfortunately.

Combating “Blight” is a major budgetary spend for the municipal entities hereabouts. There’s all sorts of tales that are told about why somebody would abandon a property, but there are parts of Pittsburgh where every third or fourth house is abandoned. When you start getting out into the more rural areas, it’s common to see homes being overgrown by and reclaimed by the forests.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

Something very similar occurred in the 1970’s version of NYC I grew up in, when former industrial properties were being fenced off or abandoned, and the dormitory tenements which provided these businesses with staff began turning into crap holes and eventually got abandoned or burned out. Remember the South Bronx of the late 1970’s, both the South and North of Brooklyn, as well as the East River coast of Queens during the 1980’s. This is before the Gentrification Industrial Complex got started during the third term of Mayor Ed Koch (it all started over in Hells Kitchen and the Upper West Side, then the contagion spread to Brooklyn and Queens).

I always had the Millennials and Zennials who had recently arrived in NYC tell me that I had seen too many movies when I would describe packs of wild dogs roaming about the empty brick lots of 1980’s Williamsburg. I was there.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

These abandoned houses are divided from the surrounding area by Saw Mill Run, a tiny waterway discussed in yesterday’s post and which is pictured above and connected to other roads by a now closed bridge. The water looks fairly impure to me, and there’s lots of dumping that takes place along its banks – observationally.

As always, these photos always appear at Flickr before they get the write up here, and a Flickr commenter by the name of Lucien Van Elsen left me this great bit of research on what happened to these particular houses. As it turns out, they’re quite recently abandoned.

Here’s Lucien’s commentary, unedited.

“So, I wondered what the history was here… how did they get from someone’s house to this state? Going backwards…

Pittsburgh wanted to close the Timberland avenue bridge, since it only served these few houses. They were going to take it via eminent domain in 2020, but instead paid $70k for them, and left them in this abandoned state instead of knocking them down. Details in…

The houses were originally built around WWI, when the access was a wooden bridge:

You can see some of these houses just after they were built, with well-dressed gentlemen crossing the bridge:…

A good writeup on the backstory:

Back next week with more from the Paris of Appalachia, at this – your Newtown Pentacle.

“follow” me on Twitter- @newtownpentacle

Buy a book!

In the Shadows at Newtown Creek,” an 88 page softcover 8.5×11 magazine format photo book by Mitch Waxman, is now on sale at for $30.

Written by Mitch Waxman

April 7, 2023 at 1:00 pm

Saw Mill Run

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– photo by Mitch Waxman

A humble narrator found himself along an arterial roadway called Saw Mill Run Boulevard, after dropping off the recycling trash at a nearby municipal bin (they do cardboard, plastic, metals at the curb here but glass needs to be dumped in special places). The part of Pittsburgh I’m living in has a few high volume roads encircling it, which branch off into the various neighborhoods set into the hills and valleys that these high volume roads surround. These arterials eventually connect to a web of high volume and speed roads which move through the Pittsburgh region, many of which are interstate highways, as well as leading to the tunnels which feed traffic into the city center. For you New Yorkers – think Northern Blvd. or Eastern Parkway for an analogy.

Saw Mill Run Boulevard (part of Penn. Route 51) is one of these arterials, and there’s all sorts of commercial and light industrial activity happening along the length of it, as well as a constant flow of traffic. Saw Mill Run Blvd. travels through a shallow valley around the ‘South Hills’ which was formed by flowing water. Saw Mill Run Blvd. was officially created out of a couple of defunct railroad right of ways in 1928, and the investment was designed to compliment the connections to Downtown Pittsburgh which resulted from the opening of the Liberty Tunnel in 1924.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

Saw Mill Run is a tributary of the Ohio River, and is named for a colonial era saw mill that was found nearby the modern day community of West End, which used to be known as Temperanceville. There’s a little over 9 miles worth of flowing water in Saw Mill Run, and its drainage watershed is something like 19 square miles of fairly dense urban and suburban hills and valleys. Further expansions of Saw Mill Blvd. and Route 51 were encouraged and actually advocated for by NYC’s own Robert Moses, who was apparently able to get his way here in Pittsburgh back in 1949. Powerbroker, indeed.

Check out this 2017 post at for the nitty gritty.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

Residential buildings, clearly abandoned ones, were observed on the other side of the Saw Mill Run waterway. A small bridge, which was blocked off with concrete barriers and a sign warning that the bridge was closed, offered a crossing over the water. You’ll see what I saw tomorrow.

Tomorrow – the consequence of Demographic Collapse.

“follow” me on Twitter- @newtownpentacle

Buy a book!

In the Shadows at Newtown Creek,” an 88 page softcover 8.5×11 magazine format photo book by Mitch Waxman, is now on sale at for $30.

Written by Mitch Waxman

April 6, 2023 at 11:00 am