The Newtown Pentacle

Altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi

Posts Tagged ‘Herr’s island

Up, over, & pffffft

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– photo by Mitch Waxman

That’s the 31st street bridge pictured above, which I walked across the Allegheny River upon. As mentioned several times this week, this walk was a bit of a challenge for me, due to a long period of inactivity. As to why I was inactive for so long, that’s not a terribly interesting story to tell but let’s just say that I had things which needed tending to at home. The situation I was thereby dealing with involved a stiffened set of muscles and tendons in both the roadway interface and my lower back. It was also the first really warm day that I’d been out and about, and it was quite humid so I was sweating profusely. Put all that together and ‘no bueno.’

Saying all that, I’m quite used to having to double down on a walk and ease myself back into a groove after ‘hitting a wall,’ but my physical reserves to continue on were drying up with each step forward. Didn’t help that I was absolutely cooking in direct sunlight. Yeah, it was cloudy, but those were clouds of literal humidity hanging in the air.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

At the right side of the shot above, looking southwesterly along the Allegheny River, right at the horizon level – that’s Acrisure Stadium, which the Steelers operate out of, and that’s where I started this walk. Just under six miles is how far I got, basically.

Right after capturing this shot, I crashed out. ‘Ran out of gas’ as it were. Saying that, I was at the middle of a bridge, so I had to stagger on to the other side. My original plan involved walking all the way back downtown and crossing another bridge over the Monongahela River to get back to the light rail, but that all had to be scrapped.

A significant part of ‘adulthood,’ as I define it, is to know when you’re licked. The only thing on my mind at this particular moment was to find a shady spot where I could sit down and rehydrate.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

The bridge was finally crossed and upon regaining the street grid, I summoned a Lyft rideshare to carry me to a destination which my intentions of a ten to twelve mile walk were meant to incorporate as a reward for the effort. ‘Man, oh man, I’m getting old’ is what I was thinking.

Back tomorrow.

“follow” me on Twitter- @newtownpentacle

Buy a book!

In the Shadows at Newtown Creek,” an 88 page softcover 8.5×11 magazine format photo book by Mitch Waxman, is now on sale at for $30.

Written by Mitch Waxman

May 23, 2024 at 11:00 am

Herr’s Island soliloquy

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– photo by Mitch Waxman

The atmosphere had warmed up considerably since the start of this particular walk that a humble narrator had initiated. It was quite humid, and after a long interval of inactivity, this scuttle was grinding me down physically. I followed the Three Rivers Heritage Trail along the Allegheny River and soon found myself crossing a former rail bridge onto ‘Herr’s Island.’

A former stockyard dedicated to the slaughter and dismemberment of animals for the grocery trade, this landform has been redeveloped and largely gentrified with row homes and an office park. Luckily, there’s a bar/restaurant on the island where I was able to purchase a glass of orange juice and also received a free glass of water with my purchase. I sat my stinking pre-corpse down for a few minutes, and allowed a few of the knots in my lower back to uncoil while quaffing the iced liquids. I also took advantage of their lavatory, which was clean and welcoming. I was in a full sweat, and growing increasingly sore.

A voice in the back of my head kept on saying ‘you’re too warm, you need to get out of the sun.’ A louder internal voice said ‘Soldier on.’

– photo by Mitch Waxman

I’d soon be walking over that bridge pictured above, which is called the 31st street bridge. It was my pre-decided ‘turnaround’ point, about four and change miles from where I had debarked the T light rail, nearby the sportsball stadiums. I had one goal to hit though, which was to see what the north eastern extant of this island looked like. On, did I scuttle.

When I was walking the riverfront trail in Millvale a few weeks back, my curiosity was stoked about this section of Herr’s Island. Turns out that there are tennis and pickleball courts on this side of the island, and an office park which houses several governmental and private entities.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

There was a section where you could get down to the water, but I didn’t head down those steps. There was a young woman sunbathing down there, and I can’t imagine how creepy it would have seemed if some sweaty and limping old homunculus with a camera just appeared and started cracking out photos. The human infestation is everywhere, and I always have to worry about mobs of peasants with pitchforks.

Now, regarding the physical state that I soon found myself in…

Back tomorrow.

“follow” me on Twitter- @newtownpentacle

Buy a book!

In the Shadows at Newtown Creek,” an 88 page softcover 8.5×11 magazine format photo book by Mitch Waxman, is now on sale at for $30.

Written by Mitch Waxman

May 22, 2024 at 11:00 am