The Newtown Pentacle

Altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi

Archive for April 1st, 2024

Now, more than ever, scuttle on

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– photo by Mitch Waxman

Tote that camera, lift them feets, scuttle forth – that was the order of the day for a humble narrator, after clearing the deck of other ‘have-to’s.’ The now familiar routine of climbing a hill, and then another shallower hill, found me again standing at the T light rail station here in Pittsburgh’s Borough of Dormont, waiting for a ride ‘into town.’

It was exercise day again, but I really wasn’t feeling it. The main thing I was feeling was pain in my right shoulder, and a certain bewilderment about how I managed to injure myself while sleeping. Doesn’t matter, really, as everything hurts all the time these days. Pain is my oldest and most loyal friend.

The plan on this particular day – which was a Tuesday – was to commit about three hours of time to constant movement, with the hope that I might randomly encounter a few things worth pointing the camera at.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

My first destination involved what was probably trespassing, but there we are. I hung around this area and did a bit of scouting nearby these railroad tracks, but the signal boards visible behind me were all flashing steady red indicators, and there was some sort of track maintenance hullabaloo underway in the distance – so ‘No Bueno’ as far as trains a the time I was there. One hung around for a few minutes nevertheless, whereupon the fact that this was a ‘photowalk’ and not a ‘photo stand around and wait’ occurred to me.

One of my many rules, loosely followed during these photowalk/exercise day outings, is to keep moving. If there isn’t anything interesting going on when I’m passing by, it’s ‘not meant to be’ and I should keep scuttling along until something interesting collides with my path. I call this ‘serendipity,’ but I’m famously an idiot. Just ask anyone.

A humble narrator is not a patient man, but I’m working on that flaw. I’ve got an entire portfolio of flaws, just ask anyone.

– photo by Mitch Waxman

That’s the downtown Pittsburgh skyline pictured above, as seen from alongside this set of empty railroad tracks. A South Hills bound T light rail train set was leaving the Panhandle Bridge over the Monongahela River, and crossed into the camera’s frame.

I would encounter rail traffic later on in my afternoon, I’d mention, which you’ll see ‘shots of’ in a subsequent post. The History of Rome podcast was still active on my headphone’s playlist, and was describing the reign of Emperor Tiberius and his treacherous Praetorian henchman Sejanus. Given that I’m a huge fan of the British ‘I, Claudius’ television series, it’s difficult to not picture a young Patrick Stewart when Sejanus comes up.

Back tomorrow.

“follow” me on Twitter- @newtownpentacle

Buy a book!

In the Shadows at Newtown Creek,” an 88 page softcover 8.5×11 magazine format photo book by Mitch Waxman, is now on sale at for $30.

Written by Mitch Waxman

April 1, 2024 at 11:00 am